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Road Crossings Along the Trail

  • The Michigan Air Line Trail utilizes a couple of different roadway crossing signal types; these vary according to the size, speed limit and traffic volume for the given road. Many of these crossing signals are new to the area, so please take care to cross carefully.

  • The two types of signals are the HAWK (High Intensity Activated CrossWalK) and RRFB (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon). While both are activated by a button at the crossing, they have different rules for trail users and motorists:

  • Motorists must stop at a HAWK with steady red lights; just like any other traffic light

  • Motorists are not required to stop at a RRFB crossing

  • Please download and read these new brochures and learn how these safety devices work:


This video, updated for 2023, includes an overview of how the crossing signals operate.

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